01290 426 526
Ayrshire Memorials
We appreciate the difficulty in arranging a funeral, the last thing we wish is for you is further stress or problems arranging your memorial. We keep things as simple as we can for our customers.
Our in-house factory we can carve and shape almost any design. We are highly skilled stone masons, but also people orientated. We will advise on options, any limitations, and help to guide you in selecting the most suitable memorial, in what can be a daunting and difficult time.
Ayrshire Memorials provide a wide variety of new memorial stones, refurbishment services and accessories to totally personalise your loved one's memorial.
Memorials are available in a wide variety of styles, sizes and colour, we are confident we can tailor a memorial to your preference and budget.
Ayrshire Memorials are fully licensed by all relevant authorities and will complete all the administration services to ensure your memorial meets all planning and other regulations.
today, tomorrow and beyond.
Phone and arrange appointment or pass your details on to our team, who will log enquiry and respond as quickly as possible.
This may be one of our services or a new memorial. Specifics will be double-checked, artwork proofs provided for client, signed-off on, before any work begins.
Anything ordered is from our trusted chain of suppliers. Many memorials we create in-house, and inscribe, at our adjoining factory. Always in a timely fashion, agreed from the outset to meet timescale of customer.
When ready and clearance from council and graveyard or requested premises is received, then our team will deliver and erect the memorial, or complete requested restoration or alteration works.